Patricia S. Bowne

Fantasy Fiction and Academic Satire

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Here's the scoop on my most recent stuff. As always, click on the titles to read the details.
There's a list of all my fiction right below.

A Moose for Jesus
in Mysterion

The Pet
in Imps & Minions

Where Souls Go in Mágissa

Want's Master Podcast at Far Fetched Fables

The Nidibalan in Just So Stories

The Giant's Heart in From the Dragon Lord's Library

The Adjunct in Fantasy Scroll

Lock's Half and Young Varkh in Northlore Series Folklore Anthology

Great Light's Daughters in Abbreviated Epics

Here's all my fiction in one handy list!

(Or if you prefer, download my writer's CV)
A Moose for Jesus in Mysterion
(Wow, did I really skip two years? I actually sold stuff in 2017-18, but none of the anthologies have come out yet.)
The Pet in Imps & Minions, by David F. Shultz(Author), Don Miaesek(Editor), K.M. McKenzie(Editor). (short story)
Where Souls Go in Mágissa, ed. Owen Wears. (short story)
The Knight of the Ice Moon in After Avalon, 18th Wall Productions. (short story)
Want's Master podcasted at Far Fetched Fables
The Nidibalan in Just So Stories, 18th Wall Productions. (short story)
The Giant's Heart in From the Dragon Lord's Library Vol 2, 18th Wall Productions. (short story)
The Adjunct in Fantasy Scroll #7, June 2015 (short story and podcast)
Lock's Half and Young Varkh in Northlore Series Folklore anthology, Nordland Publishing (short stories)
The Royal Academy III: Swept and Garnished, Double Dragon Press Epublisher (novel)
Great Light's Daughters in Abbreviated Epics, Third Flatiron Publishers. (short story)
The Knight of the Ice Moon, Penumbra Emagazine. IV:3 (short story)
Those Who Favor Fire, Lorelei Signal (short story)
Where Souls Go, Rose Red Review 8 (short story)
Want's Master and Other Stories from Osyth (collection)
The Proud Princess, Unsettling Wonder 1:2 (short story)
The Royal Academy II: A Lovesome Thing, Double Dragon Press Epublisher (novel)
The Royal Academy I: Advice From Pigeons, Double Dragon Press Epublisher (novel)
Beginner's Luck, Tales of the Unanticipated 30 (short story)
Kindling, Tales of the Unanticipated 29 (short story)
Raising the Dead, Tales of the Unanticipated 27 (short story)
A Ten O'Clock Scholar, Tales of the Unanticipated 25 (short story)
Want's Master reprinted in Year's Best Fantasy #3, ed. David Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer. HarperCollins Eos. (short story)
Unite and Conquer Tales of the Unanticipated 24 (received honorable mention in Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, ed. T. Windling and E. Datlow) (short story)
Want's Master (under pen name A.B. Ming). Tales of the Unanticipated 23 (short story)
A World They Never Made (under pen name A.B. Ming). The Leading Edge 42 (short story)

You can contact me at